
My Top Tips on Creating Healthy Eating Habits

Clean, quality, whole food is beyond important for fueling your body and brain properly to get the most out of each day and training session, but also for the rest of your life. Steer clear from diets and lean more into feeding your body healthy whole foods that you enjoy and look forward to eating. […]

Movement of the Week /// The Toes to Sky Drill :: Training the Hollow Body Position

Today I am sharing one of my favorite variations of training the hollow position using the toes to sky drill! Coaching tips: Start with vertical, straight legs Lower your legs slow and controlled Maintain your hollow body position Keep your lumbar spine pressed firmly into the floor Tuck your tailbone Squeeze your glutes Engage and […]

Meet Nicole Zapoli | Business Owner/ Fitness and Wellness Coach

GHD Hip Extension - posterior chain work - glutes - hamstrings - back - fitness and wellness coach - strength and conditioning coach - functional gymnastics coach - weightlifting coach - Crossfit coach - yoga teacher certified - Nicole Zapoli

Excited to share a recent interview I did with Shoutout SoCal! We talk on all things; life, liberty, and the pursuit of fitness! Check it out below or check out the original article published on Shoutout SoCal HERE. We had the good fortune of connecting with Nicole Zapoli and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi […]

Movement of the Week /// Shoulder Prep

  This week I am sharing a few of my favorite movements to help prep and develop healthy + solid + stable shoulders, trunk, midline, and more! These are just a few of my favorite movements to prep and pre-hab the shoulders! I love adding these into warm ups as shoulder prep, but you can […]

Are you getting in your daily dose of sunshine?

sunlight exposure - vitamin D - daily sunshine - direct sunlight

Getting in at least 15-20 minutes of direct sunlight on exposed skin each day is especially important as the sun provides a nutrient that our bodies do not make on their own. That vitamin would be known as vitamin D. It is needed for many reasons, but the most important one being, it helps to […]

Movement Monday /// Full Body Workout!

  Check out this simple, challenging, fun, effective workout that you can do at home, at the gym, or wherever you are! Minimal equipment needed + efficient on time! This workout will increase your:▪️strength▪️muscle endurance▪️stability▪️mobility▪️balance▪️coordination…and more! This is a full body workout with a focus on your:▪️glutes▪️hammies▪️trunk▪️shoulder girdle…and everything surrounding + supporting your hips, knees, […]

Tips on Achieving Adequate Daily Water Intake

daily water intake - drink more water - water bottle - hydrate

    This week I am sharing a few tips on how to ensure you are drinking enough water each day! Water is especially important for proper digestion, organ function, immune support, and flushing the body of unwanted toxins. +Endurance Electrolyte Drink : IF we are thirsty, we are already dehydrated. This is a great […]

Movement of the Week // Reverse Banded Straight Arm Pull in Hollow

hollow body core training - banded pull - bodyweight movement

This week I am sharing a few coaching and training tips on the reverse banded straight arm pull in hollow drill! This is an awesome movement to add into warm ups, great for shoulder pre-hab, a solid finisher, and a super effective way to build tons of shoulder + core strength, stability, and so much […]

Mindset Monday /// Daily Quiet Time

daily quiet time - meditation - yoga - mindfulness - mindset Monday - mental health

In between life’s amazing adventures of the day to day grind, getting in a sufficient amount of daily quiet time is especially important for our mental and emotional well being. Pro tip: Aim to get in at least 15-20+ minutes each day of some form of quiet time whether that is through meditation, reading, journaling, […]