
Movement of the Week /// The Straight Arm Banded Pull to Hip

This week on the <<>> BLOG <<<>> I am sharing a few coaching and training tips for a bar muscle up drill known as the straight arm banded pull to hip. This is an effective drill to practice the shapes, speed, timing, and straight arm pulling needed for an efficient bar muscle up. Coaching tips: […]

Movement of the Week /// Ring Support Circles

This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing a few coaching and training tips on ring support circles! This is a challenging and effective drill to add in, especially during your strength and skill sessions to work dynamic strength and stability while also set on a dynamic plane. Make sure you are first […]

From the Vault /// Wodstar Compilation Video

This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing a Wodstar compilation video I had the honor of doing way back many years ago for their movement video library! Check it all out HERE! READY to transform your overall body composition, strength, stability, balance, flexibility, coordination, body awareness, confidence in moving your own body, and […]

Movement of the Week /// The Hollow Body Inchworm

This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing one of my favorite dynamic stretches that I love putting into my own warm ups as well as my clients before every training session known as the Hollow Body Inchworm! This movement hits pretty much everything to warm, prep, and mobilize your entire body for […]

Movement of the Week /// The Pike Box Walk with One Leg Extended

This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing one of my favorite handstand walk development drills known as the pike box walk with one leg extended! This drill is effective not only for developing your handstand walk, but also for strengthening, stabilizing, and mobilizing your shoulder girdle, thoracic spine, and trunk… enjoy! Coaching […]