Movement of the Week /// The Bear Walk 1.0
This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing one of my favorite movements to add into dynamic stretch and warm ups called the bear walk 1.0! This is a full body dynamic stretch as well as an excellent choice for modifying handstand walks.Coaching tips: Set feet in a wide stance Hands set shoulder […]
Movement of the Week /// Handstand Hold Development Drills
This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing some coaching tips and training the handstand! Aside from being super fun, this static hold is effective at building strength and stability throughout the trunk, shoulder girdle, and more which is foundational and necessary for performing safe, strong, and solid handstand push ups, handstand walks, […]
Movement of the Week /// The Toenail Muscle Up Drill via P360
This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing one of my favorite drills for developing the strict muscle up, also known as the toenail muscle up drill! This is an effective drill not only for building strength, refining technique, and improving body awareness, but also a superb piece to add into your warm […]