
Simple Ways for Relieving Everyday Stress

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Simple Ways for Relieving Everyday Stress - yoga squat - meditation

On today’s blog we are discussing a few simple ways to help build, develop, and maintain a better overall quality of life and sense of wellbeing, especially during times of stress and/or overwhelm, with these practical tips from Nicole Zapoli Fitness.

Find Peace and Balance in Your Home

Spending more time at home usually feels like a treat, but it’s also important to remember to take time for self-care habits, like meditation and mindfulness, especially if you’re a parent. You can also reduce any added tension by tidying up your home, being creative, and being mindful. 

It is also good for your mental state to declutter. When you have time at home, pick a room in the house to straighten up. Toss items you no longer use, and find ways to organize the remaining items. Once things have a designated place, it is easier to keep the room in good order. 

Find Ways to Keep Yourself Active 

Being more mindful during meditation, chores, and relaxation time is a good way to refocus your energy on the present and feel more positive. Regular exercise is also good for your body and mind because it encourages the production of feel-good chemicals in your brain for a big mood boost. So make time in your day for some exercise to take advantage of this natural mood-enhancing high. And check in with Nicole Zapoli Fitness for personal and group fitness training! 

Pick Up a New Hobby Like Gardening 

Gardening is an ideal way to get outside and get a little exercise in as well. These are just two of the ways that getting your hands dirty and growing your favorite veggies or flowers can boost your mental health and reduce stress. Before getting started, you can consult online resources that offer in-depth product reviews and expert gardening advice – Home Garden Hero (https://homegardenhero.com/) is a great place to start. 

Divide Responsibilities Evenly 

Studies show that when additional stresses, like the recent pandemic, strain our sense of normalcy, women tend to bear the larger burden. U.S. News reports that women have been putting in more overtime when it comes to taking care of the home and kids — while also working from home. If this sounds like you, it may be time to communicate with your partner or even your children about dividing chores and taking some of the pressure off of you. 

Taking “Me” Time is a Must

As a parent, your primary focus is your children, and that’s understandable. At the same time, Thrive Global reminds us that taking care of yourself is a must if you want to have the physical energy and mental bandwidth to take care of others, including your little ones. If your schedule is packed, finding time could be as simple as waking up a little earlier for self-care. 

Self-care can range from taking a walk to getting a massage or reading a book. Really, anything that makes you happy can be self-care. So if you’ve wanted to pursue a new degree, signing yourself up for classes can also be self-care. And there are many online programs that allow you to take classes online at your own pace, so it won’t add too much stress to your daily routine.

Make Time for Check-Ups 

Self-care isn’t selfish at all and is particularly critical for parents. One self-care step that parents and many other adults skip, however, is keeping up with routine medical appointments and screenings to manage their physical and mental health. It is important that you check in with your healthcare or mental health provider to address any concerns and seek treatment for health issues. 

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Make getting quality sleep a top priority. Unfortunately, most of us are missing out on this health and wellness essential, and this can have a negative affect on our overall quality of life. Putting any of the tips above into practice will help you sleep better, and so can powering off screens a few hours before bed. 

Take Steps Towards Happiness and Balance

Make time for self-care and relaxation, but also find time to step outside for exercise and fresh air; gardening is a great way to do both! Find what makes you happy in life and in your career, and take steps to achieve it. Above all, remember that taking care of yourself is never selfish! 

Nicole Zapoli Fitness empowers others toward living their strongest, healthiest, happiest lives possible. Contact us today to learn more! 




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