
No One is Fearless, but We Can All be Brave

by Nicole Zapoli

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Holy schnikes it’s crazy thinking back to the first time I ever coached a gymnastics class about 17 years ago to where I am today. I was so painfully shy and remember how terrified I was to lead just a simple warm up for a group of kids. Fast forward to where I am today and the opportunities I have had to lead coach full day seminars for coaches worldwide to owning my own businesses to changing lives. It has taken me a very long time and endless amounts of hard work to consistently push myself out of my comfort zone and take risks. I have always loved being motivated by my fears and challenges. Whenever a fear creeps up rather than backing down and letting that fear win it’s always way more fun to turn towards it and conquer. I truly believe the most powerful growth happens when we embrace our fears, challenges, and temporary pain and discomfort.

I want to challenge you during this next week to embrace and turn toward your own fears and challenges. No one is “fearless”, BUT we can all be BRAVE. 

Are YOU ready to prove your fears wrong?! Well then… Let’s GO!

1. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE! When we are deeply connected with our wholehearted passion and purpose in life that is when our challenges become fun and being brave comes naturally. 

2. EMBRACE YOUR PAIN! Pain is usually perceived as a negative, BUT we control how we perceive stuff so instead CHOOSE to embrace your pain rather than fear it. Pain forces us out of our comfort zone and can be used as a super positive catalyst in your life. Use your pain for good. It won’t last forever.

3. ENCOURAGE OTHERS! Use your so called negatives as positives and help others to do the same. Always CHOOSE to use the “bad” for good. Encourage, serve, and boldly love others through your wholehearted passionate purpose. 

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