This week on the <<>> BLOG <<>> I am sharing some coaching and training tips on the dumbbell renegade row!This movement is super effective for developing strength, stability, balance, coordination, and beyond throughout the upper body, trunk, and entire body.
Get set in a high plank with your hands gripping the center of the dumbbell handles
Dumbbells should be set about shoulder width apart
Stay strong in your plank position maintaining straight arms with your shoulders stacked directly over your elbows and wrists
Block away from the floor while keeping your hips in line with your shoulders as best as possible
Focus on maintaining a tight, hollow body position throughout
Compress your ribs toward your hips
Pull your bell button toward your spine
Squeeze your glutes
Tuck your tailbone
Keep legs straight and fully engaged
Squeeze your heels together
For better balance and stability throughout widen your stance
As you begin the row, aim to pull the dumbbell with control so that it aligns with the top of your rib cage before returning back to your high plank position
Alternate from side to side
Check out the YouTube demo video HERE!