Movement of the Week /// The Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (RFESS)

by Nicole Zapoli

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rear foot elevated split squat (RFESS - Bulgarian Split Squat)

This week on the blog I am sharing a few coaching and training tips for the rear foot elevated split squat (RFESS)! These are awesome for developing tons of strength, stability, balance, mobility throughout the entire posterior chain, but more specifically, the glutes and hamstrings… and beyond! More importantly, however, these are my absolute favorite movement of all time for building the posterior chain! 🙂


rear foot elevated split squat (RFESS - Bulgarian Split Squat)


Coaches notes:

  • Begin with your heels up against a box or a bench that is just below your knee
  • Place your heels against the box directly under your hips
  • Bring one foot so that your heel is touching your toe and take three heel toe steps out from there
  • Place your back foot onto the elevated surface, toenails down
  • Pull shoulders down and back
  • Keep your eyes focused straight ahead
  • Maintain the majority of your body weight over the heel of your front foot
  • Aim to lightly touch your knee to the floor
  • Keep your front foot glued to the floor
  • Drive up through the heel of your front leg
  • Focus on keeping hips and shoulders squared up
  • Use boxes or PVC for support, as needed



Check this out and more on my YouTube channel HERE!

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