The reverse banded straight arm pull in hollow drill is an awesome movement to add into warm ups, great for shoulder pre-hab, a solid finisher, and a super effective way to build tons of shoulder + core strength, stability, and so much more!
Can you do this while maintaining your hollow position = lumbar pressed firmly to the floor + scaps elevated high off the floor?
Coaching tips:
▪️Compress your ribs towards your hips
▪️Squeeze your glutes
▪️Tuck your tailbone
▪️Straighten and engage your legs
▪️Point your feet
▪️Grip the band facing the rig with hands at your hips ▪️There should be tension on the band
▪️Pull the band with straight arms to your ears
▪️Return to your start position slow and controlled
Check the full movement demo video on my YouTube channel HERE!
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