
Interview with Health & Fitness Technology Company, Atlas Wearables

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I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Atlas Wearables, a health and fitness technology company, who partners with another health and fitness company, Valencell, that I have had the honor of working with for the past 5 years at CES. Valencell creates the biometric sensor technology that companies like Atlas use in their wearable devices! Check out the interview below!

Start off by telling us about yourself and your journey! How did you get into fitness?

Fitness has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started dance at two years old, gymnastics at four, and continued with both for pretty much my entire life. I still do both almost every day, whether it’s either doing or coaching.

My dad would let me work out with him and I credit him with teaching me how to do proper push-ups and headstands in our living room. My mom let me go with her to her step aerobics classes. My high school cheer coach and my high school boyfriend and his dad all introduced me to the gym and lifting weights. I knew as early as eight years old I wanted to own my own gym and coach when I grew up.

What’s your fitness specialty?

Gymnastics, weightlifting, and CrossFit.

How do you track fitness goals?

I track and log everything in my Gym Gypsy journal.

What metrics do you track for your goals?

Benchmark workouts (time/rounds/reps/etc.), max lifts (load/reps/etc.), max BW (load/reps/etc.), how I am (body/mind/spirit) feeling/recovering between training/work/sleep, etc.

How are your favorite workouts structured? By sets and reps? Or sets and duration?

My favorite workouts vary in structure quite a bit from sets and reps to circuits to emoms to amraps to duration to load lifted, etc.. It just depends on the intention of each day’s training session and my short and long term goals within my fitness.

What is your favorite food?

Anything peanut butter, coconut, lime, and seafood (shrimp, crab, lobster, fish, poke, etc.)

What’s your go-to song or artist at the gym?

Anything rock, hip hop, punk, happy music, and some country… Black Keys, Led Zeppelin, Jet, Foo Fighters, The Offspring, Green Day, Blink 182, Beyonce, Fergie, No Doubt/Gwen Stefani, G-Love and Special Sauce, Kendrick Lamar, Jason Aldean, Alan Jackson, Martina McBride, Sarah Evans, Dixie Chicks… and so many more. 🙂

What are three interesting facts about you?

My hometown is where Goldie Hawn filmed her first movie in Sugar Land, Texas.

What is your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you?

Gosh, my greatest achievement… becoming a mom at 22. THIS, by far, shaped me more than anything else in my entire life. It was something I dreamed about my entire life and even would make things for my future kids as early as elementary school! When I found out I was pregnant, it was wayyyy sooner than I ever thought I would become a mom. Just a few weeks before, I remember telling someone that I could wait 10 more years.
The day I found out I was going to have a baby girl, that baby girl became my biggest inspiration and she remains still to this day.

If you could master one skill you do not have, what would it be?

Learn how to play the drums beyond “We Will Rock You” or the guitar beyond “Smoke on the Water.” 🙂 …Or really, any instrument, actually.

Where would you like people to follow you?

On my life journey of pursuing my strongest, healthiest, happiest life while helping others along the way to do the same.
You can follow me on Instagram @nicolezapoli.

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